Mon, Feb

Traslazione Giaccardo

On 27-28 March the Pauline Family in Rome will gather in the Sanctuary-Basilica of Mary Queen of Apostles to receive, pray together and bid farewell to the urn containing the body of Blessed Timothy Giaccardo. After the Holy Mass on 28 March, the urn will leave for Narzole, the birth place of the Blessed, where he will be received by the religious and civil authorities. He will remain there until 3 May for the veneration of the people who are joyfully waiting for his homecoming. Then, passing by the Sanctuary of the Madonna of the Flowers in Bra and to the Villa Loreto of the Pious Disciples in Sanfré, on 5 May he will make the solemn entrance in Alba where the urn will permanently rest in the Church of Saint Paul in the Mother House of the Society of St. Paul.