Mon, Feb

The objective of the mission is to put the totality of Christ in contact (as expressed in the title "Christ Divine Master of Life, Truth and Way") with all human faculties (mind, heart and will) through the communication which is realized with the modern means. The metodology used includes the proposal of the Christian experience (dogma, moral and cult) and the presentation of all human realties in the Christian perspective.

The historical development of the Society of St. Paul follows the evolution of the media of communication. Initially, Fr. Alberione adopted the printed press; then he added cinema, radio, television and LPs. Presently, the Paulines are involved in the world of communication, preparing themselves to incarnate Christ Divine Master of the Way, the Truth and the Life in the "culture" created by the communications.

Following the indications of Fr. Alberione to always "put yourself forward", the Paulines wish to be in the Church of the next millenium among the pioneers of a complete evangelical spirituality that knows to inculturate itself in global communications and multimedia. In fact, for Fr. Alberione and the Paulines, communication is not a simple aid to evangelization, but an original way of preaching, that reaches the masses which are far away from the parishes.