Mon, Feb

SOBICAIN, responded positively and have already printed an edition of  "La Bible des Peuples", a full container of 22,500 copies, that in a short time will be sent as a gift together with all the payments received and the corresponding taxes.  To ensure that the donation will directly reach the recepients, the Daughters of St Paul of Santo Domingo will work gratuitously in the diffusion.  The overall management has been realised in Madrid and Barcelona by the Executive Director of SOBICAN, Fr. Francisco Anta, SSP, with whom they have generously collaborated in "Artes Gráficas Carasa" and the hardbound "Gómez Aparicio" (Madrid) and the paperbound publication of  "Miquel y Costas" (Barcelona).

www.sobicain.org - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Agenda Paolina

February 17, 2025

Feria (verde)
Ss. Sette Fondatori dell’Ordine dei Servi della B.V. Maria
Gen 4,1-15.25; Sal 49; Mc 8,11-13

February 17, 2025

* PD: 1954 arrivo in India - 1984 a Davao (Filippine) • SJBP: 1985 a Campo Grande (Brasile).

February 17, 2025

SSP: D. Carlo Boano (1998) • FSP: Sr. Clorinda Serfilippo (1973) - Sr. M. Pierina Cordero (1990) - Sr. M. Viola Lauria Pantano (2009) - Sr. M. Aurora Malavolta (2010) - Sr. M. Redenta Fabillon (2014) • PD: Sr. M. Onesima Chiavassa (2004) - Sr. M. Frumenzia Manuli (2007) • SJBP: Sr. Tecla Mazzei (2013) • IGS: D. Remo Quaranta (2009) • IMSA: Antonietta Mancuso (1984) - Barbara Rubino (1998) - Maria Antonietta Murgia (2011) - Leonarda Librizzi (2015) • ISF: Domenico Parenzan (1995) - Alfio Bartolini (2009) - Conception Grosso (2017) - Lucia Comignano (2014).